1.         NAME:  The organisation shall be called Ledbury Community Day.

2.        OBJECTS:  The objects of the Ledbury Community Day shall be

i)             To present the many and varied community activities which take place in and around Ledbury.

ii)            To enable community groups to showcase the opportunities they have to offer.

iii)          To allow visitors to experience a wide range of activities in Ledbury.

iv)          To encourage individuals to join in with like-minded people to enhance their sense of community and wellbeing.

v)            To provide local traders and businesses with a ‘shop window’ to promote their services and wares.

vi)          To promote Ledbury as a vibrant progressive town, proud of its history and traditions, confident in its present and planning for its future.


Subject to the matters set out below, the Ledbury Community Day shall be administered and managed in accordance with the Constitution by members of the Committee constituted by Clause 5 of this Constitution.

4.         MEMBERSHIP:

i)             Full membership shall be open to any person, organisation or enterprise in the Ledbury area that is in sympathy with the objectives of Ledbury Community Day.

ii)            Associate membership can be offered to any other interested party but will not carry voting rights.

iii)          The Committee may refuse any application for membership if, acting reasonably and properly, they consider it to be in the best interests of the Ledbury Community Day to refuse the application.

iv)          A list of the members will be held by the Ledbury Community Day administrator.

5.         THE COMMITTEE:

A Committee shall be elected by Full Members to carry out the business of the group.  The Committee shall be made up of a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer as a minimum and up to a maximum of five additional general Full Members.

6.         POWERS

In furtherance of the objects of the Group, the Committee may exercise the following powers:

i)             To raise funds and invite and receive grants, donations and other contributions.

ii)            To buy, hire or lease and to maintain any equipment, facility, service or materials necessary for the achievement of the objects of the Group.

iii)          To sell, lease, lend or dispose of all or any part of the property of the Group.

iv)          To publish books, pamphlets and other materials in printed, recorded or electronic format, and to hold the intellectual property rights in any such material.

v)            To organise such events as the Committee may determine in furtherance of any of the objects.

vi)          To cooperate with other organisations, enterprises and persons in furtherance of any of the objects or of similar purposes.

vii)         To establish working groups reporting to the Committee of members and where appropriate non-members to carry out specific activities.

viii)        To do all such other lawful things as are necessary for the achievement of the objects.


The Annual General Meeting shall be held every September or within the following three months for the following purposes:

i)             Election of  a) Chairperson, b) Secretary, c) Treasurer, and d) Member(s) of the Committee

ii)            Presentation of accounts

iii)          Appointment of auditor


The Secretary will notify all members of the date of the meeting not less than 14 days before the AGM.

 8.         QUORUM

i)              There shall be a quorum of the Committee when three members of the Committee are present.

ii)             There shall be a quorum of the Annual General Meeting when five Full members are present.

iii)            Except as otherwise provided in this Constitution, all resolutions adopted and all business transactions by the Committee shall require the affirmative vote of the majority of Committee members present.  In the event of a tied vote, the Chair of the meeting for the time being will have an additional casting vote.


i)             The constitution can be altered at an Annual General Meeting or at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose

ii)            Any suggested changes must be handed to the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting and must be advertised to members in advance of the meeting.

iii)          Changes must be agreed by two thirds of the voting members present at the meeting.

 10.       DISSOLUTION

i)             The Group  may only be dissolved at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose and must be advertised 14 days before the meeting

ii)            A proposal to dissolve the Group shall take effect only if agreed by two thirds of the members present at the meeting

iii)           Funds and possessions will be disposed of by transfer to any organisation for purposes the same as or similar to this Group

11.       FINANCE

i)             The funds of the Group shall be paid into an account operated by the Committee in the name of the Group at such bank as the Committee shall decide.  All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by at least two members of the Committee

ii)            All funds belonging to the Group can only be used in furthering the aims

iii)           The Treasurer shall maintain accounts on behalf of the Group


Constitution adopted on 26th February 2014